Designing and building a home requires a lot of research, thinking and discussion. Here are a few of the most common questions we get asked.
Designing and building a home requires a lot of research, thinking and discussion. Here are a few of the most common questions we get asked.
Can I change your designs and layout?
Yes most definitely! You’re welcome to use our designs in their entirety or treat them as inspiration for your new home. We have an in-house architectural designer who can take your ideas and transform them into detailed concept home designs.
Who are Downey’s suppliers?
We have very loyal and longstanding sub-contractors, many of whom have been working with us for more than a decade. They’re handpicked by us, are reliable and deliver a very high standard of work to meet the quality standards that we and our customers expect.
How long does it typically take to build a new home with Downey?
Depending on the size and complexity of your new home, a single storey home will usually take between 18 to 22 weeks dependant on complexity, location and site completion factors such as concrete and landscaping.
What if something goes wrong during the build?
Simple. We’ll fix it. No problem!
Can we choose our own fixtures and fittings?
Yes. Our Fixed Price Contracts include allowances for appliances, fixtures and fittings to a specific standard. If you want something different, it’s no problem – we’ll quote on your specifications.
When are our payments due?
Progress payments are made at milestone points throughout the building process such as floor, framing and roof.
Do you offer a Master Build Guarantee?
Yes. Downey Designer Homes is a proud member of Registered Master Builders and we offer the Ten Year Master Build Guarantee.